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Pencil - Gallery 1
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  Hello, Visitor!  Home > Arts > Pencil > Gallery 1 Sat - March 8,125 

My Color:

  • Water Color
  • BallPointPen
  • Indian Ink
  • Ink
  • Pencil
      -  Gallery - 1
      - Gallery - 2
      - Gallery - 3
      - Gallery - 4
      - Gallery - 5
      - Gallery - 6
      - Gallery - 7
      - Gallery - 8
  • Sketches
  • Oil Paintings
  • Self Learning Days
  • Study of Sculpture
  • Great Masters

  • My Father's Gallery

  • Slide Show
  • Artist's Statement
  • Art From My Heart
  • Why Do I Paint?
My Spectacular Art Gallery - Pencil - Gallery 1
Welcome to My Art Gallery. There are EIGHT Galleries of this category and FOUR drawings in each Gallery. Now you are in Gallery ONE.

   Slide Show   
   Artist's Statement   
   Art From My Heart   
   Why Do I Paint?   
More Pencil Drawing Pages...    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

Portrait of Rithvik - My Son
Dated 12-26-2000

With Pencil on Drawing Paper.
Original Size 8" x 10".

Portrait of my son - Rithvik.

Based on a photograph.

Dated 01-22-2001.

With Pencil on Drawing Paper.
Original Size 8" x 10".

It was a rough sketch for one of my oil paintings that I did as part of my Painting course at College Of Dupage, IL, USA.
Wine Glass

Dated 01-26-2001

With Pencil on Drawing Paper.
Original Size 10" x 8".

It was a rough sketch for one of my oil paintings that I planned for my Painting course at College Of Dupage, IL, USA.

Dated 01-06-2001

With Pencil on Drawing Paper.
Original Size 10" x 8".

It was a rough sketch for one of my oil paintings that I planned for my Painting course at College Of Dupage, IL, USA.

   Slide Show   
   Artist's Statement   
   Art From My Heart   
   Why Do I Paint?   
More Pencil Drawing Pages...    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

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"Art is long, life short; judgement difficult, opportunity transient." -Goethe
Last Revision: Dec 24, 2007 e-mail: gpottepalem@gmail.com ©1998-2008 by Giridhar Pottepalem