Same colors across all pages. Now users can select the color of their choice and enjoy the site in their favorite color.
Mar 2000
Won '1999-2000 Golden Web Award' given by The International Association of Web Masters & Designers.
Visit Awards Won.
Launched a new Section called 'Fun'. Have some fun.
Updated all entertainment pages.
31, Dec 1999
Launched a new Section called 'WebDirectory'
on the last day of this millennium. This is the first complete true dynamic section of my home.
My visitors can add contents to this section.
Updated all entertainment pages.
14, Nov 1999
Launched a new Entertainment Page on Suseela Songs on the occasion of this section's FIRST BIRTHDAY.
Yes! it has been exactly one year since this section went live.
July 1999
All New HomePage - Now you can Read up-to-date News HeadLines, Get Stock quotes,
Check the weather of your city or even search and find the appropriate information using
'GOTO search' - all from My Home.
Launched Technology Section.
Are you tired of searching for the best technical information/tutorials on the Internet?
Visit my new technology section and find it here if the topic of your interest is there.
Great Feature - Now you have the flexibility to listen to the songs of your choics from my
entertainment pages. Just select the songs you are interested in and play. It is that simple.
My Site in News - Read the article published in a News Magazine About my Site.
Won 'Hawk Award' for Excellence in Web Site Design. Visit Awards Won.
Redesigned entire site. Made it more user-friendly and gave much more professional look
with my personal and artistic touch. Improved its loading time.