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Design Patterns In Brief

A Design Patter is the combination of the problem and its solution. Design Patterns, as the name implies have their biggest impact in the design phase of a project.

Design Patterns are devided into three fundamental groups:
  • Creational Patterns - are used to create objects of the right class for a problem, gathering when instances of several different classes are available.
  • Behavioral Patterns - describe interactions between objects. They focus on how objects communicate with each other.
  • Structural Patterns - form larger structural from individual parts, generally of different classes.
Christopher Alexander is an architect (in the sense of buildings, not software) who invented Patterns.

Book Picks

Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Analysis Patterns

Applying Uml and Pattern

Web Resources

History of Design Patterns Know the History of Design Patterns
List of Design Patterns The complete list of Design Patterns
A Learning Guide to Design Patterns A learning guide written for those who want to learn and use design patterns, rather than just read about them. A must visit site.
Patterns and Software Everything you need to know about Design Patterns. Essential Concepts and Terminology.
Patterns-Discussion FAQ Contains very brief summaries of topics that have been discussed on the patterns-discussion list, in question and answer format. Check whether your question has already been asked and anwered.
Patterns Home Page An extensive source for information about all aspects of software patterns and pattern languages. A must visit site.
Examples Non-Software Examples of Software Design Patterns. Helps to visualize and understand each pattern.
PatternStoriesWeb Tells your stories about how you have used patterns and where you can learn the stories of others.
Patterns and Frameworks A resource of Design Patterns related links.
Architecture and Design: Patterns Another Good Patterns Resource. The links are rrganized very systematically.
A Tutorial A Simple Tutorial on Patterns.
An Analysis of Design Patterns in MFC A Paper that describes the use of object-oriented software design patterns, within the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC).

| Design Patterns In Brief | Web Resources |

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"Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." -Immanuel Kant
Last Revision: July 24, 1999 e-mail: ©1998 by Giridhar Pottepalem